## build image docker build -f ./Dockerfile . ## add a tag docker build -t user/repo:tag . ## push local docker image to the remote repo docker tag <md5_of_docker_image> user/repo:tag docker push user/repo:tag ## one line to build an image with predefined name docker build -t user/repo:tag -f Dockerfile .
## run the docker docker run -i -t user/repo:tag
## manage the images ### list all the images docker images ### remove a specific image, might need to add -f to force the operation docker image rm <md5_of_image>
## export docker save hifibio/pipeline:scRNAseq_nf_v1.06 | gzip -c > scRNAseq_nf_v1.06.tar.gz
## import gunzip -c scRNAseq_nf_v1.06.tar.gz | docker import ## or import after gunzip docker import scRNAseq_nf_v1.06.tar
SELECTCOUNT(abbr) FROM Organisms; --统计表中全部记录的数目 SELECTCOUNT(abbr) FROM Organisms WHERE abbr LIKE'a__'; --统计abbr以「a」开头,共3个字符长的记录数 COUNT(abbr) ----------- 232 SELECTCOUNT(abbr) FROM Organisms WHERE abbr LIKE'a%'; --统计abbr以「a」开头的所有记录数 COUNT(abbr) ----------- 258
Recently I need to do PAI search using PIPS, after going throught all the little traps, I think it worth to write the whole process down.
follow the README instructions to install hammer and tRNA-scan. Maybe you want to change the default prefix of INSTALL derectory
Theoretically, it should be good enough to run, but you’ll definitely be stuck at some point. OK, here are the tricks to try below
replace gbk2embl.pl with a new one, such as this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Bio::SeqIO;
if (@ARGV != 2) { die "USAGE: gb2embl.pl <in.gbk> <out.embl>\n"; }
my $seqio = Bio::SeqIO->new('-format' => 'genbank', '-file' => "$ARGV[0]"); my $seqout = new Bio::SeqIO('-format' => 'embl', '-file' => ">$ARGV[1]"); while( my $seq = $seqio->next_seq) { $seqout->write_seq($seq) }
For the last step, modify mergfiles.pl. change for e.g. %hash2->{$chave} to $hash2{$chave}, note that a couple of similar syntax mistake in this script.