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##apple wwdc 2013 keynote

###beginning declaration:

if everyone is busy making something, how can anyone perfect anything? We start to confuse convenience with joy,abundance with choice, designing something requires focus. The first thing we ask is: what do we want people to feel? Delight/surprise/love/connection, then we begin to craft around our intention, it takes time, there are a thousand nos for every yes. We simplify, we perfect, we start over, until every idea we touch enhances each life it touches, only then do we sign our work.

closing ad:

This is it, this is what matters—the experience of our product. How it make someone feel? Will it make life better? Does it deserve to exist? We spend a lot of time on the feel of great things, until every idea we touch enhances each life it touches. You may rarely look at it, but you always feel it. This is our signature, and it means everything.

这个广告给人感觉 Tim Cook掌舵之下的苹果不再那么激进,少了”think different”那样的凌厉,锐不可当的气势,‘You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them’取而代之的是一种胜券在握的淡定从容。的确,成长为市值最高的科技的苹果也需要这种转变,过去是适应规则,而今是指定推广标准了。

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