basic vim

Vim is a powerful editer coming with linux.Here I assumes that you already know it’s history and also have a vim on linux or gvim under windows(although I recomend using vim with linux). So let’s begin our basic vim.

open a console and type ‘vimtutor’, then you are in a vimtutor file right in vim. This is a vim tutorial disgned for learning vim on the fly. Learning has never been more efficient through using it. Just keep in mind that when you leave don’t save you change. The tutorial cover the basic usage of vim, such as insertion/deletion/navigation/replacing/searching. Believe me, once you learn it, you will love it.

Afer you fall in love with vim, maybe you will think how about using vim when surfing internet, that sounds great, right? The short answer is there is already some extensions for firefox(vimperater) and chrome(vimum).All you need to do is searching for one you like and embrace it. very cool!

##And beyond
Now if you follow all up here, you should be comfortable with vim now, actually sometimes you even will find yourself can’t live without it. There are lots of plugs for vim. One more time, learn by using it. For example, what vim _ will pop out? And vim ? Just need to try it, and then you will get anser.